The Learning Linguist tries a new approach

Recently I wrote about my work with retrieval practice, how it was going and what I was going to need to change. I mentioned some names of other teachers whose ideas I have seen on Twitter and Facebook and that I planned to integrate those into my lessons in the future. Today I dedicated the day to planning a half term’s worth of work for my year 8 classes, working on the topic of food and loosly following the Mira 2 book, as per my school scheme of work.

Included below are the following documents:

  • Food lessonsx3 – a powerpoint with key vocab, a sentence builder, a trapdoor activity, some listening activities as well as some work on the knowledge organiser.
  • Meals KO model text – the text used in the above powerpoint.
  • Marketx1 – a powerpoint with key vocab, a conversation, listening activities, a trapdoo activity, sentence builder.
  • Market KO – the conversation from the market lesson.
  • Restaurantx2 – Similiar activities to the previous
  • Restaurant past KO – text from the above
  • Future food – Similiar activities to the previous
  • Future food KO – the text from the above ppt
  • Opinionsx1 – Similiar activities to the previous
  • Opinions KO – text from the above lesson
  • Unit summary – powerpoint with retrieval activities and reference to the following activities:
  • Food summary reading
  • Untangle translation
  • Structure strip

I am by no means an expert! I have not taught these lessons yet and I’m sure I will discover things that need changing along the way. Also, having spent only a day on the entire thing there may well be errors, or things that needed more thought. Go easy on me please!

Please note, due to the speed at which I created these the Spanish has not been 100% spelling/grammar checked and there may be a few minor errors which need correcting. Do check what you’re planning to use before doing so.

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