An update on #MFLChat

This quick post has to start just by saying how utterly amazed I am at how #MFLChat has grown! It has totally surpassed my expectations and I am beyond happy about the fact that the schedule for next term has filled up so quickly that I am only needed to host once! So with that in mind here are the updates:

  • Chats can now not only be the usual discussion format but also take the form of a mini-CPD. Have something to share? Use a tool that others would like to hear about? Host a chat!
  • You can now see a calendar of the upcoming chats. Viewable here.
  • You can now sign up for a chat by filling in the form here and giving your topic and date preferences. Please browse the calendar before you do this.
  • You can make suggestions for things you’d like to hear about, we can look for a host willing to deliver that session.

Looking forward to #MFLChat continuing to grow! Remeber, Mondays 20.30-21.00 and include #MFLChat in all your responses!

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