The power of connecting, sharing and discussing with the #MFLtwitterati and #MFLChat

Last weekend I asked twitter a series of questions:

As I expected, the responses were overwhelmingly positive! So pass this blog post on to any twitter-sceptic colleagues who should come along and meet the #MFLTwitterati and join in with an #MFLchat some time. As the comments show, you can give and take as much as you like and there is nothing to be nervous about. A community full of positivity that can make a great contribution to your practice.

General comments on what it is like to share and discuss with the #MFLTwitterati:

Some great quotes:


Helps reflection, gives new ideas, connects.

Positive, supportive, eye-opening.


Full of positivity!

Have you ever got new ideas or resources from #MFLTwitterati or #MFLChat?

Have you ever shared anything? What was the reaction like?

Finally, comments related to #MFLChat:

The comments about #MFLChat reflect the flexibility of the chat, join in if you want to, read along if you don’t!

I usually read and retweet comments instead of contributing.

I find it very useful when I do get involved.

I really like it. There’s so little time in school to talk about pedagogy, and I’m the only Spanish teacher in my school, so I find it very useful and helpful.

Haven’t participated yet, but do look at comments if I’m not online during it.

I like to read what people contribute and also contribute when I feel I can.

The topics always challenge me, remind me of things and/or give me new ideas.

Occasionally contribute, more often a lurker. Always interesting.

Love hearing what other linguists across the country are doing.

I have whole school responsibilities and spend too little time in MFL, so love talking about MFL on twitter.

All the ones I’ve managed to join in very informative. Even if just for confirmation we’re on right tracks.

What is #MFLChat?

#MFLChat is held regularly on Wednesday nights in term time from 8.30pm until 9pm. Each week there is a different topic, lead by a host that has written some questions for discussion. The chat is lead by their questions, but further discussion past the 9pm official finish is encouraged. We have hosts lined up until Christmas but are always looking for more people to help out and join in! Follow @MFLChat and send me a message if you’re interested. I have a guide for hosts and a schedule you can sign up to!

#MFLTwitterati, established by @JoeDale

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